8.13.18 NOTE: It has been forever since I've updated this page. We have 2 beautiful Shih-tzu girls to add and so much has happened. I will updated when time permits. Thanks for stopping by!Feel free to visit my tribute page to my beautiful Mom.When I was a very young girl, I studied oil painting with my Gma (now in Heaven) under a superb instructor and loved it! Little did I know, studying hues, values and intensities, would be used later in life, on a different sort of canvas!
Throughout life?s journey so far, I have spent many years in the corporate world. I was Operations Manager for a consulting firm, which caved after 9/11. I then, indulged into my love of a different kind of glass... vintage glassware! This special time allowed me to put together an extensive personal collection of my favorite antiques and collectibles. Another one of my Passions!During this time, my beautiful Mom was diagnosed with a rare brain disease, OPCA. We are extremely close. She has been both Mom & Dad my entire life. It has taken a few years to face the reality of this crazy disease and it's progression. I admit, most days I still struggle with it. She is my angel and means so much to me. I love you Momma and I'm so proud of your courage. You are constantly in my prayers.
It's times like this that make you realize what is important in life. It made me realize it was time to slow things down a bit. I believe this is how lampworking evolved into my life. It has always intrigued me, so I began studying several years ago. With my sweet guy and Mom encouraging me, I purchased the ultimate equipment and started melting glass. Haven't been the same since!
If you like animals, read on…My other sweeties are Amee and Princess. They are such sweet little Shih-tzu?s! My Mom had their parents. I actually got to help birth them. They came from the same litter, so both turn 12 years old in April. Since I have no children, they are my babies! We're so fortunate that we've had them for so long. I pray we have many more years together! (UPDATE: We lost our beloved Princess 4/22/08. We miss her very much...)4/5/97 - 4/22/08We miss you baby girl!We also have a Koi pond. I drew the outline of the pond on a scratch piece of paper, then we made it happen! A true labor of love, that's for sure! We have had awesome Japanese Koi imported to us and for the first time this year, our very own off-spring! It is so neat to see the little guys all over the place. A very joyful thing!One day, we were relaxing by the pond and saw something bright aqua fly right between us. On our waterfall, there sat this sweet Parakeet! I ran and got the fish net and put some fish food on it. The bird jumped right on the net! Oddly, I had an antique bird cage for years and never had a bird in it. Well... he has now been with us for over 4 years! Crazy how things happen! He now has a much bigger cage. Spoiled bird! UPDATE: Sadly, our sweet birdy passed away on Valentines Day. (2/14/09) I really miss his "Happy Hour" songs...This gorgeous Peach-faced Lovebird landed on our waterfall Saturday, April 11th. We are now searching for a mate for the lil' sweetie! It's like de ja vue!